مستندات API

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Securing Requests

For security reasons, you should include the API key or access token in each request header to make sure that the request coming from your side, otherwise the request will be discarded. So, there are two types of authentication that you can use, Service Key or OAuth2. Using Service Key To verify the request that […]

Generate Token

Link: {Base_Url}/api/Account/Generatetoken Method Type: POST Content Type: Application/Json Description: Returns an access token to use as a header key of other APIs if used the OAuth2 authentication. (This code will activate for 15 minutes only) Request object: Field Required Type Description AccountCode Yes string The code Id of your account Password Yes string The password […]

Get Daily Attendance Report

Link: {Base_Url}/api/ExternalReports/GetDailyAttendanceReport Method Type: POST Content Type: Application/Json Description: Return all transactions (getting in and getting out) of an employee in a specific date. Request object: Field Required Type Description Data. Date Yes Date The date of returning the employee movements Data. JobNumber Yes string The employee job number to return her/his movements Data.TimeZoneOffset Yes […]

Get Working Report All Employee

Link: {Base_Url}/api/ExternalReports/GetWorkingReportAllEmployee Method Type: POST Content Type: Application/Json Description: Return all transactions sessions of All employees during a period of dates. Request object: Field Required Type Description Data.  FromDate Yes Date The start date ofperiod Data.  ToDate Yes Date The end date of period Data.DisplayType Yes int The expected values aremeans that you need to […]

Get Transactions

Link: {Base_Url}/api/Transaction/GetTransaction Method Type: POST Content Type: Application/Json Description: Gets Account’s Transactions based on date range. Request object: Field Required Type Description accountId Yes UUID Account Id dateFrom Yes Datetime Date range start dateTo Yes Datetime Date range End Sample Request: Response object: Field Type Description data.User Object Contains Users Basic information data.accessGate Object Contains […]

Create Leave

Link: {Base_Url}/api/leave/Create Method Type: POST Content Type: Application/Json Description: Create list of approved vacations by username (Max count 10 in List). Request object: Field Required Type Description username Yes String  Username of the user in Availo system dateFrom Yes Datetime Vacation Start Date dateTo Yes Datetime Vacation End Date typeID                                     No   Int             Vacation Type Id  […]

Sync Users

Link: {Base_Url}/api/ User/ AddUsers Method Type: POST Content Type: Application/Json Description: sync users’ information with Availo system Request Object: List of below objects Request object: Field Required Type Description Add Update UserName Yes Yes String User Name JobNumber Yes No String User Job Number FirstName Yes No String User First Name LastName Yes No String […]

الجيل الجديد من أنظمة الحضور والانصراف، الذي يوفر لك كفاءة عالية في إثبات حضور الموظفين

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